Talking Taiwan Podcast Confirmed Interview Schedule at TAC-EC 2024
SECC Building Room 115 (*NOTE: this schedule is current as of July 3, 2024 but may be subject to change.)
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| Wednesday July 3 | Thursday, July 4 | Friday, July 5 | Saturday, July 6 | Sunday, July 7 | 9:00-9:30am | | | | | | 9:30-10:00am | | | | | Closing ceremony 9:30-10:45 **Talking Taiwan presents a video of highlights from TAC-EC | 10:00-10:30am | | | | | | 10:30-11:00am | | | | | | 11:00-11:30am | | Interview Sherry Chih-Hsuan Chou (周芷萱) Director of Dr. Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation,Activist for Taiwanese Independence and Gender Equality, Feminist | | | | 11:30-12:00pm | | Sherry Chih-Hsuan Chou (周芷萱) | | | | 12:00-12:30pm | LUNCH | | | | | 12:30-1:00pm | LUNCH | | | | | 1:00-1:30pm | LUNCH | | | | | 1:30-2:00pm | LUNCH | | | | | 2:00-2:30pm | | Interview Lan Shi Bo (藍士博) Executive Director of 228 Memorial Foundation | Interview Shih-Chieh Tsao (past TAC organizer) | Interview Dr. Jung Tsai (蔡榮聰醫師) Reflecting on his medical mission to Ukraine | | 2:30-3:00pm | | Lan Shi Bo (藍士博) | Shih-Chieh Tsao | Dr. Jung Tsai (蔡榮聰醫師) | | 3:00-3:30pm | | Interview City Councilor Chen (陳乃瑜) The Bluebird Movement and President Lai Ching-te’s election campaign | | Interview Powen Wang (王博文) Past TAC organizer and his activism | | 3:30-4:00pm | | City Councilor Chen (陳乃瑜) | | Powen Wang (王博文) | | 4:00-4:30pm | | Interview Dr. Yang (楊斯棓) Author talks about prominent Taiwanese politicians | Interview former Vice President Dr. Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) 4:00-4:50pm | Interview Kingyo Hsieh (謝金魚) Tainan a time capsule of Taiwan | | 4:30-5:00pm | | Dr. Yang (楊斯棓) | Former Vice President Dr. Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) | Kingyo Hsieh (謝金魚) | | 5:00-5:30pm | DINNER | | | | | 5:30-6:00pm | DINNER | | | | | 6:00-6:30pm | DINNER | | Interview Dr. Hsiao-wen Lo (駱筱雯) The collective trauma and psychological defense of the people of Taiwan *5:45-6:45pm* | | | 6:30-7:00pm | | | Dr. Hsiao-wen Lo (駱筱雯) | | | 7:00-7:30pm | | | | | | 7:30-8:00pm | | | | | | 8:00-8:30pm | | | | | | 8:30-9:00pm | | | | | | 9:00-9:30pm | | | | | | 9:00pm | | | Interview Su-Mei Kao (past TAC organizer) | | | 9:30pm | | | Interview FAPA (Formosan Association of Public Affairs): Chiao-Yun Anny Hsiao, Su-Mei Kao & Chia-Chun Chung | | | 10:00pm | | | FAPA | | | | | | | | |