Grace Loh Prasad’s debut memoir, is The Translator’s Daughter. I spoke with her about how she started off writing it and how it evolved over the two decades it took to write it. A lot can happen in two decades. One by one Grace started losing her family members- her brother, mother and father. Her ..Read More
February 8, 2025
228 Incident, Activism, Art & Culture, Asian International Affairs, Current Events, Entrepreneurship, New York, Notable Taiwan Guest, Parenting, Podcast, Politics, Racism and Diversity, Self-Empowerment, Taiwan, Taiwan Books, Taiwan Community, Taiwan Elections, Taiwan Geography, Taiwan History, Taiwan Independence, Taiwan Life, Taiwan Organizations, Taiwan Travel, Taiwan vs China, White Terror, Writers
Grace Loh Prasad’s debut memoir, is The Translator’s Daughter. I spoke with her about how she started off writing it and how it evolved over the two decades it took to write it. A lot can happen in two decades. One by one Grace started losing her family members- her brother, mother and father. Her
January 26, 2025
For the first episode of 2025, we’ve decided to share an excerpt from The Translator’s Daughter, a personal memoir written by Grace Loh Prasad. The book opens on the eve of the Lunar New Year in February of 2000 and so it seems like the right time of year to be sharing this as we
January 1, 2025
Here’s our 2024 Top 5 Award Winners. 2024 was an eventful year! In January we headed to Taiwan to cover the Presidential election, thanks to the generous support of donors. While we were there, we covered the election from Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung. We were also able to hold two in-person podcast events where we
December 31, 2024
Activism, Art & Culture, Asian Hate, Asian International Affairs, Asian mental health, Crowdfunding, Current Events, Entrepreneurship, New York, Notable Taiwan Guest, Podcast, Politics, Racism and Diversity, Self-Empowerment, Taiwan, Taiwan Community, Taiwan Films, Taiwan Food, Taiwan Geography, Taiwan Life
In this episode of Talking Taiwan, I started off speaking with Taiwanese American documentary filmmaker Hsuan Yu Pan about how she got interested in documentary filmmaking. As we talked about her films, we covered a broad range of topics from the COVID-19 pandemic to parallels between the 2017 travel bans that barred people from seven
December 19, 2024
228 Incident, Art & Culture, Asian International Affairs, Current Events, Entrepreneurship, New York, Notable Taiwan Guest, Podcast, Politics, Racism and Diversity, Self-Empowerment, Taiwan, Taiwan Books, Taiwan Community, Taiwan Films, Taiwan History, Taiwan Independence, Taiwan Life, Taiwan News, Taiwan Organizations, Taiwan Travel, Writers
NATWA (the North America Taiwanese Women’s Association) has been around since 1988 and for this episode about NATWA I interviewed Elena Ling, one of NATWA’s founding members, Hui-Na Lin, a past NATWA national president, Susan Liao, two-time president of NATWA’s Toronto chapter, and Sue Kuo NATWA’s current vice president and president elect for 2025. It
December 9, 2024
Academics, Activism, Art & Culture, Asian International Affairs, Current Events, Entrepreneurship, Indigenous Taiwan, New York, Notable Taiwan Guest, Podcast, Politics, Racism and Diversity, Self-Empowerment, Taiwan, Taiwan Baseball, Taiwan Books, Taiwan Community, Taiwan Geography, Taiwan History, Taiwan Independence, Taiwan Life, Taiwan News, Taiwan Organizations, Taiwan Sports, Taiwan Travel, Taiwan vs China, Writers
After hearing about Team Taiwan’s historic gold medal baseball win at the Premier 12 on November 24th I reached out to Richard Wang who I previously interviewed in 2020 about how Taiwan was the only place on the planet where professional baseball was being played during the COVID pandemic and since the entire world was watching,
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