A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin:
Since March of this year, we’ve been publishing new episodes of Talking Taiwan on a weekly basis, so for our last episode of 2020, we thought it would be fun to look back and see which were the top five episodes of the year. It comes as no surprise that 2 of the episodes are related to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Through it all, it’s been amazing to see our listenership grow. In fact, I’ve really enjoyed hearing from listeners who’ve reached out to tell me how much they’ve enjoyed listening to Talking Taiwan. Thanks for all of the positive feedback. We look forward to continuing to deliver new episodes about interesting people and stories connected to Taiwan.
Which episode was your favorite of 2020? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
Don’t forget to check out our new feature starting in the new year called “Talking Taiwan Shorts.” We will be creating 100 short one-minute videos for our YouTube channel highlighting a GREAT segment from one of our podcast episodes. Be sure to check out Talking Taiwan’s YouTube channel, or go to our website here for “Talking Taiwan Shorts.”
Below are links to the top five Talking Taiwan episodes of 2020. Wishing you a wonderful rest of 2020, and a Happy New Year!
CORRECTION: At the 15:32-minute in the interview, Dr. Keating remarks, “We are 75 years at the end of World War I.” What he meant to say is that, “We are 75 years at the end of World War II.”
Related Links:
Number 5 Talking Taiwan Episode of 2020 https://talkingtaiwan.com/ebola-outbreak-interview-dr-wilson-wang-ep-68/
Number 4 Talking Taiwan Episode of 2020 https://talkingtaiwan.com/being-black-in-taiwan-and-racism-in-the-united-states-ep-88/
Being Black in Taiwan and Racism in the United States: Ep 88
Number 3 Talking Taiwan Episode of 2020 https://talkingtaiwan.com/quarantine-in-taiwan-an-interview-with-diana-lee/
Number 2 Talking Taiwan Episode of 2020 https://talkingtaiwan.com/auntie-sewing-squad-combats-covid-19-one-mask-at-a-time-ep-75/
Auntie Sewing Squad Combats Covid-19 One Mask at a Time Ep 75
Number 1 Talking Taiwan Episode of 2020 https://talkingtaiwan.com/understanding-the-history-of-taiwan-through-dr-jerome-keating-ep-97/
Understanding the History of Taiwan through Dr. Jerome Keating Ep 97