A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin:
Elissa Russell and Elizabeth Williams are my guests on this episode of Talking Taiwan. We spoke about their experiences of living in Taiwan, the racism that they’ve experienced in Taiwan vs. the U.S. and Black Lives Matter. One thing that’s abundantly clear is that Taiwan has a very special place in their hearts.
Liz and Elissa spoke candidly on the topic of Black Lives Matter and the state of race relations in the United States. Thank you Liz and Elissa for your open-heartedness and for inviting my audience to continue the conversation with you. Contact info for Elissa and Liz is listed below in the Related Links section.
Here’s a little preview of what we talked about in this podcast episode:
- What brought Elissa and Liz to Taiwan
- Elissa and Liz talk about their experiences living in Taiwan
- The racism that Liz and Elissa have experienced in Taiwan vs. the United States, and how they have handled it
- Elissa and Liz share their perspectives on the segregation in Atlanta, Chicago and Los Angeles
- Liz and Elissa offer their perspectives on Black Lives Matter
- Elissa and Liz discuss how the killing of Ahmaud Arbery felt especially personal
- The anti-racism initiative that Liz is working on
- Being an ally vs. an accomplice
- What actions people can take to support the Black Lives Matter and too educate themselves
- How to have conversations with others about the Black Lives Matter movement
Related Links:
Elissa Russell’s contact info:
Elissa Russell’s business info:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/consultreadi/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/readi-consulting-llc
Elizabeth Williams’ contact info:
Personal website: https://www.theycallmeliz.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-williams-370510/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lizzyworld/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liz.williams.52090 An article about the arrest and jailing of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/21/us/21gates.html
An Open Letter for Black Lives Matter (which has been translated into over 30 different languages): https://lettersforblacklives.com/
An article about the arrest and jailing of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/21/us/21gates.html
Liz’s appearance on the Taiwan TV show Super Idol: https://youtu.be/vzQpANhYAeI
Liz singing a bit of Peking Opera during her appearance on the Taiwan TV show Super Idol [Start watching at 4:09]: https://youtu.be/cFEz19varyo
Very interesting interview about 2 strong black women living who are friends living at different times in Taiwan and the United States. This one really cuts to the chase. Highly moved.
This interview is as real as it gets. Thanks so much.
[…] Being Black in Taiwan and Racism in the United States: Ep 88 […]