26 Notable Episodes Featured In The Talking Taiwan Podcasting Booth at the 2023 Passport to Taiwan

Here’s a list of the Talking Taiwan Episodes featured at our Podcasting Studio booth at Passport to Taiwan on May 28, 2023:


Dr. Peter Tsai N95 Mask Inventor Helps to Fight Covid-19 (Episode 101)



An Interview with Charles Yu, Winner of the 2020 National Book Award for Fiction (Episode 114):



Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry: Our Talk with Founder Lisa Cheng Smith (Episode 135)



Top 5 Episodes of 2020



Mars Rover Driver Dr. Jeng Yen Discusses The Age of Space Exploration (Episode 126): https://talkingtaiwan.com/mars-rover-driver-dr-jeng-yen-discusses-the-age-of-space-exploration-ep-126/


Dr. Mark Chen: Advocate for Taiwan in Both the U.S. and Taiwan (Episode 212): https://talkingtaiwan.com/dr-mark-chen-advocate-for-taiwan-in-both-the-u-s-and-taiwan-ep-212/


Eric Chang: On the Unfolding Situation at the Legislative Yuan during the Sunflower Movement (Episode 231): https://talkingtaiwan.com/eric-chang-on-the-unfolding-situation-at-the-legislative-yuan-during-the-sunflower-movement-ep-231/


Top 5 Episodes of 2021



Karen Lin: Democratic Candidate for Civil Court Judge in NYC Talks About her Career in the Legal Profession (Episode 187): https://talkingtaiwan.com/karen-lin-democratic-candidate-for-civil-court-judge-in-nyc-talks-about-her-career-in-the-legal-profession-ep-187/


Why You Should Care About the Taiwan Fellowship Act: A Discussion with Richard Pearson and Shelley Rigger (Episode 189): https://talkingtaiwan.com/why-you-should-care-about-the-taiwan-fellowship-act-a-discussion-with-richard-pearson-and-shelley-rigger-ep-189/


Yao Huang: Solving Financial Inequalities by Funding Minority Owned Businesses (Episode 181): https://talkingtaiwan.com/yao-huang-solving-financial-inequalities-by-funding-minority-owned-businesses-ep-181/


Top 5 Episodes of 2022



The History of Mets Taiwan Day with Diana Lee of Hello Taiwan (Episode 202): https://talkingtaiwan.com/the-history-of-mets-taiwan-day-with-diana-lee-of-hello-taiwan-ep-202/


Dr. Karen Tsai: How the CoFounder of Donate PPE Raised $150,000 for Covid-19 (Episode 123): https://talkingtaiwan.com/dr-karen-tsai-donate-ppe-ep-123/

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